California transit providers

From buses, shuttles, and on-demand paratransit to commuter and intercity rail, passengers want transportation that’s easy to find and easy to pay for.

To better understand the size and scale of opportunities for integration in transportation, the Cal-ITP team compiled a list of California’s transit providers.

Explore the more than 300 providers on this map and table, which links to each operator’s website and offers just a taste of our full dataset—a CSV download that includes fare revenues, fleet size, vehicle type, and more.

Download the data package

The data package includes the full dataset, data dictionary, and glossary as CSV files.

About the data

This dataset includes known transit providers in California, covering public transit operators, intercity rail, and special services that may not fall within standard definitions of transit. Each provider entry includes its headquarter city, counties where active, the associated National Transit Database (NTD) ID (if available), the website URL, and key attributes from the NTD. It is currently limited to providers who operate their own services.

This list is a living document that will be updated regularly with new service provider information. If you have comments, additions, or corrections to this dataset, we’re working on ways for you to share that feedback. Please check back soon.

Data dictionary


This list was created in April 2019 by consultant Trillium Transit under contract to Cal-ITP. It was compiled from a variety of sources, including Trillium contacts, California State Controller’s State Transit Assistance (STA) summary, American Public Transportation Association (APTA) database, California Transit Association members, and the National Transit Database (NTD).